I’m a thrifter from birth, and the Brimfield Antique Show is my super bowl. Lucky for me as an interior designer, I get to go for work! Each May, July, and September in Brimfield, MA, vendors from all over the country bring everything you can think of from the tiniest trinkets to massive furniture pieces, high end to low end, you name it. It can get overwhelming, so it’s good go in with a strategy.
If I’m on the hunt for a specific piece for a client or myself, I do the Scan approach. I'll start by walking the entire fair, laser-focusing on the search and looking at nothing else (ok, not much else). I take pics of all potential pieces along the way, then I narrow down the choices, revisit the faves, and make a deal. Huntress style.
If I’m there to see what’s out there and make some new discoveries, I do the Wander. Easy breezy, just going where my eye leads me. This is fun because I get to stop and chat and get to know vendors as I go. So many of the vendors return year after year so it's nice to check in with them and see what's new, and what they're seeing at the other big fairs. I'll start to notice trends as I walk through the tents - some are inspiring and I'll want to incorporate into an upcoming project, and others I'm already sick of by the end of the day!
This year I got a fantastic caned chair for $10, along with beautiful sea glass beads, woven baskets, and indigo dyed textiles. I also fell in love with a 1970's leather sofa but that will have to wait for another client or a new house! There’s always next time..
